A young single donor who wanted to help others in the Asian community start families.
Interests and hobbies
Physical characteristics
- Height: 171 cm
- Weight: 70.0 kg
- Eye colour: dark-brown
- Hair colour: black
Additional information
- Ethnicty: Asian - Sri Lankan (LE)
- Nationality: British
- Education: BSc (Hons) - IT
- Occupation: IT technician
Medical information
- Blood type: B+
- CMV status: positive
- Infectious screening:
Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIVI/II, HTLV I/II, Hepatitis B,
Hepatitis B Core, Hepatitis C, Rubella, Syphilis and Trichomonas
- Genetic screening:
Chromosome Analysis, Cystic Fibrosis Carrier, Sickle Cell and Thalassemia
- Additional screening:
Thalassaemia - negative
- Allergies: Nil
- Additional medical information
- Pregnancies: 0
- Children: 0